Missions/Other Ways to Get Involved

Missions/Other Ways to Get Involved

Disaster Relief

SC Baptist Disaster Relief comes to aid people after a disaster strikes, whether it be fire, flooding, tornado, or hurricane.  Our Disaster Relief Team has a chainsaw trailer and a wood chipper.   We travel to sites to clean up after the storm and remove trees from houses and cars.  We never accept payment or donations, and many traumatized homeowners cannot understand why.  Grassy Pond Baptist shows up to be the hands and feet of Jesus, to help people physically and spiritually, who are going through some of their worst days.  With training, everyone at Grassy Pond Baptist Church is welcome to participate in this ministry!

The Disaster Relief Shower Trailer has three shower rooms and one laundry room. After a disaster, simple things we take for granted, like having a hot shower or washing your clothes, may become a luxury. Disaster Team workers also welcome a hot shower and clean clothes when they are on-site. The Shower Trailer has also been used to support homeless events sponsored by other churches.

Handyman Ministry

The Handyman Ministry helps people who cannot help themselves.  We have built permanent wooden wheelchair ramps at numerous homes in Cherokee County.  The recent purchase of aluminum ramps allows for a quick installation for people with a temporary ramp need, such as those recovering from surgery.  The Handyman Ministry also has a work trailer, and performs minor home repairs for the church. The work trailer is also used each year to support the Jerusalem Project.  

Golden Age Club

The Golden Age begins at 50 at Grassy Pond Baptist Church! If you’re 50 or older, join the club and bring your spouse, for fun, food, and fellowship. The club meets monthly, usually in the Family Life Center, but sometimes takes a trip to a restaurant. Sometimes there is entertainment. Contact Barry Denton if you have questions.


Heart4Schools is an SC Baptist Convention mission that aims to partner every school in South Carolina with a church, to provide prayer, teacher support, and reading buddies.  Currently, about 40% of schools have a partner church.  GPBC is partnered with Grassy Pond Elementary School.  We provide school supplies at the start of each year and we are currently looking for reading buddy volunteers. Throughout the year, opportunities are made available to help children at GPES with various donations.

For more information contact Rebecca Hogg, or visit the SC Baptist Heart4Schools.

Here are some school Support Ideas.